Thursday, July 15, 2021

The Phantom Strikes

Today was the WORST Day of Phantom Pain since the year  after my accident in 1999. 
When  the Phantom creeps out of the attic things happen. I usually take some of my medication, wait for it to work, have more pain, take more med and then feel like crap for a few days till it gets out of my system. 
  • I  do crap like:
  • Time between The Stabbing Pains
  • Mark intensity of the Pain  
  • Check Temperature
  • Raise or lower the Temperature
  • Monitor Humidity
  • Say "OW! OW! OW! and other fun things when the pains hit
I always think how lucky I am to be in a house. In an apartment my neighbors would be calling the police due to my yelling at the bad pangs. Yesterday they were all bad. I am hoarse from yelling and praying it to stop. 

It is now 12:45am and I  am on the couch with the laptop. Since the first pang hit at 3:12pm that is about 9.5 hours so far. 

Rumpy has been laying with me since I make everyone else nervous with the yelling and jumping. Props Rumpy Bump.  Speaking of Rumpy he seems a bit better. I was really worried about the steroid change but no long coughing attacks. Is this a light at the end of the tunnel? Maybe. No train there please!

Yay for that and small gains. 

Dad Pete: The Old Hooman. (Directed by cats)

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Testing Follow Link & News

 Hello friends:

We added the Get New Posts by eMail link to the top right of the blog and this is to test if we are getting the notifications. Hope it works

In other news Timmy has been eating less. I decided the other day to stop his steroids as it is getting near the time we have to say goodbye and he does not like getting them. This is such a sad time for me. Timmy is the sweetest cat I have ever had bar none. He has been by my side during the day and right next to me every single night for 14 years. At night whenever I would wake he would never be father than an arms reach and would start to purr once he saw I was awake. Not that nudgy "pet me" behavior that makes it hard to go back to sleep like Rumpy, Timmy would start that purr motor running to let me know he was there, thinking of me, lulling me back to sleep. What a guy. Love you Timmy! I always will hold you close always my dear Heart Kitty.

Hope this Follow Me Link works
Dad Pete

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Thankful Fathers Day

I am so thankful for my fur family who give me so much unconditional love

And for all the beautiful Angels who watch over us and give me the strength to enjoy another day. 
What a blessing to be with you all!

Sincerely: Dad Pete 

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Timmy's Horrible Vet Visit 03/31/21

 Thanks Timmy. This is the story. About a year ago I noticed Timmy was losing some weight. Not a lot, but losing it over time and it can sneak up on you. 6 months ago he had his geriatric exam(14 in Jul) with all labs being fine. I mentioned that he had a “rough purr” which I noticed as he is a huge purr machine when we are together. They said there was "nothing". So alright. Last Month I got Tim another appointment since Rumpy was going in and I was really starting to notice the weight loss. Of course he saw the PTU and was gone. Fast forward to last Wed 03-31. He had a 2pm and I wanted a blood panel and check up for inappetence, or not eating and they say I can pick him up in an hour or two. So they call in 3 hours saying “We had a few emergencies so can we keep Timmy will call in the morning. I say alright. This has been my vet for 40+ years with not a problem at all. Next morning no call. I call at 11. “Mr C we will call at 1pm so you can get Timmy.” No call so I call. No answer. I call 7 times. I get someone and they say “We had an emergency come in and...” I start to see the light and ask is Dr King the only vet there? “Yes. We are taking good care of Timmy! Dr King will call you by 5” So I should have gone right up but wanted an answer as to what was wrong. No Call. I call 5 times to get through and say the doctor better call or there will be "issues." (No yelling or cursing but issues means legal, they know that) The call: “Hi Mr C Timmy is fine. His white count is 38000. We gave him a long acting antibiotic shot and he has an IV and will be ready to go home in the morning.” A weak sorry was in there somewhere. I call on Friday and get the "The Doctor..." I say "No, How about I am on my way!" I get there and see the doc and get what I call "The Story." It goes as above, yada yada yada. Blah Blah Blah. Me “Did he eat?” Doc: “They never eat here.” Me: “What?” Doc: “They never eat here. A few days is alright for a cat.” So I bring a cat in for not eating and I am discharged with no appetite stimulant. No shave or bandage on his leg as always has before when he has an IV. He did not charge but I think he knew I would have cancelled the payment with my CC. Timmy looked rough. He hates being at the vet but 2 nights. I did think he was “getting fluids” which means more than just rehydration. Being a RN I would figure that he would get dextrose and saline in a concentration per the DMV. I am pretty sure he did not have any at all. He bounced back but no appetite. He was eating treats so gave him a ¼ tab Mirtazepine on Saturday. It took a day but he ate a bit Sunday night. Monday he went to a new vet and related I was from another vet and they knew where I meant without me saying anything.

The Second Vet Timmy was in and in 30 min they called the car "Mr C, I will transfer you to the Dr" and on came who I call Dr Slow Talker. She sounded like either an idiot or highly medicated.  “He… has… a… whiiiiteee… counnnttt” I was just beyond at this point. I break in “He coming out now, right!” “Yesssss… we… can.... think... abouuut...” I say I will bring him back in a few days if I think we need to. They want to make the appointment. No, thanks I will call. I pay. Doc Calls back “I… wanted… to…” Anyhow she suggests we do a “snap test.” I say he is an inside cat and in an enclosed area (It is Timmy though) Do it! Doc calls back. “We…” Suggest... since... “ Yeah you have the blood. They say a repeat CBC $140 or Chem Screen $230. It’s Timmy. Do the Screen. “I… will…” Thanks Bye. I have to go! So this vet group does the “wallet probe” while my old vet fell in a Black Hole. I will say at least they did give us the transdermal Mirtazepine. Probably for the charge but we have it and it seems to work. I gave Timmy some last night and today he ate almost a can of Fancy Feast. Thanks friends. This Covid has made Vet appointments so difficult for us all. I am so glad my little heart cat is home and hopefully in a week or two, hopefully, this will be past us.

Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman